2. I'm currently reading Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. Capote's book, while an engaging and fascinating read, isn't exactly an easy read. It doesn't help that I'm in something of a time crunch to finish it (library policy and what not). Hopefully when I'm finished, a review will find its way onto this blog though.
3. I have begun watching Breaking Bad. I know a couple friends who spoke very highly up of it, and I decided it give it a go. I have completed two of its five seasons so far, and I must say its a very impressive, well-acted, well-written show. So...yeah...as usual television is getting in the way again.
4. My bookshelves are positively overflowing with potential reviews. Aside from In Cold Blood, I am also delving into the short story collection, 11 Doctors, 11 Stories in which eleven authors try their hand at writing a Doctor Who short story. Such famed writers such as Eoin Colfer, Charlie Higson, Derek Landy and Neil Gaiman are contributors. Again, a review is on the horizon.

So, now that we're all up to speed, I'd like to take a minute to thank all my readers, and without you I would be writing this for no one. Hopefully your patience will be rewarded. All of the above and more is in store, if only Walter White will let me...
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